Seized Car Auctions

Seized Car Auctions:

How to Buy Seized Properties at Auction

So you want to begin making a living or a little extra purchasing seized properties? Read on in this simple guide to learn how.


  1. Contact your local police station to find when seized properties will be auctioned.
  2. Look through your local paper they may be listed there.
  3. Arrive at said auction house and sign in or fulfill whatever procedures are required.
  4. Bring several thousand dollars, at times houses may go for less then $10,000. Decide what type of property you want and buy it.
  5. After purchasing the property make whatever plans necessary to renovate the property.


  • Bring as much money as you can spare


  • Properties may be dilapidated and possibly have contraband in them depending on what crime the occupant(s) were charged with.